emery.to for freelancers and consultants
emery.to is powerful enough to organize your work on complex projects.
Unlike many other powerful apps, it focuses entirely on single user needs.
Organize your days
- Organize your tasks, ideas and time in one place
- Set your daily priorities by separating the important tasks from the optional
- Book focus time slots right from the app to concentrate on tasks that require your full attention
- See events from all your calendars – organize your work and personal life in one place
Manage projects and clients with collections
- All your tasks, notes and events can be added to multiple collections
- Use collection screen to plan and prioritize tasks within a project, browse notes and meetings
- Track your progress; see how much time you spend in events and focus time
- More than projects – group your thoughts and tasks per client, partner or topic
Better meetings with your clients and partners
- Prepare for meetings with private notes
- Capture your notes during the meetings so you never forget a thing
- Create action points as tasks right in the meeting notes
Review results
- Review project progress within collections
- See how much time you spend on a particular project/client (meetings or focus time)